Charlene's thoughts on software, language models, and, well... mostly just those two. šŸ˜„
FAQ: Getting Into Data Science / Machine Learning

FAQ: Getting Into Data Science / Machine Learning

Charlene Chambliss

2020 Oct 31

This content is an excerpt from an interview I did with fellow SharpestMinds alum Amber Teng.

Q: How did you get into data science / machine learning?

A: Iā€™ve had kind of an unusual path into data science, so Iā€™ll start from the beginning and go into some detail to help illuminate what it took for me.

I grew up in a smallish agricultural town (Modesto, CA), where my dad worked at Safeway (still does!) and my mom was a stay-at-home mom. They really impressed upon me the importance of taking my education seriously, which was fine with me because I loved learning and I enjoyed making them proud of me.

Ever since I was little, I wanted to be a scientist. I loved tinkering and learning how things worked. My mom indulged my curiosity by taking me to the library (I would come home with a stack of like 12 books), having me help her in the kitchen (cooking = chemistry!), and getting me the occasional toy science kit.

That interest carried on through high school and into freshman year of college, where I had decided I wanted to study chemical engineering and become a flavor scientist, because chemistry was my favorite subject. I (adorably) thought that I would simply invent new flavors to make healthy food taste better, so people would have an easier time eating salads and vegetables, and thus be healthier overall. I hated eating salads and vegetables, so 17-year-old-me thought I was brilliant and that this was an amazing solution.

I kept up my education focus and work ethic throughout high school, and made it into Stanford for undergrad. Frankly, that was pretty unexpected for me ā€” I thought I would be going to UC Davis and maaaybe Berkeley if I was really lucky. Around half of folks who graduate from my high school donā€™t end up going to college at all, so even these felt like pretty high ambitions. Of my graduating class of 500 that year, I think only around 5 of us made it into ā€œtop schoolsā€ (Berkeley, Stanford, Harvard).

What I was really not expecting when I went to Stanford was the culture shock I was in for. The vast majority of students at Stanford come from upper-income backgrounds, with a median family income of $167,500. They are, by and large, the kinds of kids who have college-educated, professional parents, go to the best, most well-funded high school in town, and have paid tutors to help them out in any area theyā€™re struggling with. Meanwhile, I grew up with a HH income around a quarter of that, and the level of preparation I received in some areas relative to my peers was reflective of that difference. (My parents and teachers were wonderful and had done their best, but thereā€™s only so much one can do with limited resources.)

Suddenly, I found myself feeling very insecure about my abilities (particularly my aptitude for math and computer science) and was really questioning whether I measured up to the other students. I didnā€™t realize that our backgrounds had been so different, since no one goes around talking about that sort of thing, so I attributed differences in performance to my own lack of ability. I was also the only one from my high school who went to Stanford that year, so I didnā€™t know anyone when I got there and had no one to talk to about what I was experiencing. The feeling of being an impostor never really went away during my time at Stanford, but I did at least get better at faking-it-ā€™til-I-made-it.

I did make it through Stanford, although I ended up not pursuing chemical engineering and also needed to take a year off after junior year to help with my parentsā€™ divorce (my mom is disabled and needed help selling our family home and moving out). I graduated with a B.A. in Psychology in 2017 ā€” first in my immediate family to get a 4-year degree ā€” but I felt like I had made a lot of mistakes along the way due to a lack of guidance and role models. Even just searching for my first job proved difficult, because I could really only turn to the career center for advice on how to navigate the job market for ā€œeducated professionals.ā€ The pamphlets and 30-minute consultations they could offer couldnā€™t really fill in all the gaps, but after a lot of research and attending career fairs, I was able to land a job doing social media marketing for a small agency.

Without going into too much detail about oneā€™s financial and overall career prospects as a psychology major with only a Bachelorā€™s, it became clear to me over the course of my time in that job that I wasnā€™t going to get where I wanted to go career-wise unless I made a big change. So near the end of 2017, I decided I wanted to go into data science, specifically focusing on machine learning, and threw myself into GRE studies so I could get my applications in in time for Fall 2018 admissions. (Iā€™ll go into more detail about why I chose data science, and NLP in particular, in the next section.)

I enrolled in my M.S. as planned, doing my coursework and studying as much as I could outside class, focusing especially on stats, linear algebra, Python, and machine learning. The degree coursework was all in R, so I learned Python entirely on my own using a combination of online classes and a massive 1500+ page textbook (Learning Python). Toward the end of my first year (spring 2019), I landed a data science internship at Curology and worked there through fall. Then, at the beginning of my second year, I partnered up with an amazing mentor, Nina Lopatina, through SharpestMinds, because I had decided I wanted to focus specifically on getting a role doing NLP. At the end of the 10-week mentorship, I started looking for jobs, and got an offer to join Primer full-time in December of 2019.

I would need to defer the last semester of my MS program to start full-time, which was a tough call, but the experience was more important to me, so I did. It turns out that that decision was frighteningly well-timed, because the COVID-19 pandemic decimated the recent grad job market only a few months later. I have classmates who are still struggling to find jobs, and I easily could have ended up in the same situation. I realize that I am very privileged that my roll of the dice worked out so well.

All in all, it took about 2 years to transition from marketing into a full-time machine learning engineer role, from a background of relatively little math and programming experience. (Prior to 2017, I had only taken single-variable calculus, basic/intro statistics, and one Java programming class.) If I had started from a background of either more math knowledge or more programming experience, I think that couldā€™ve been shortened to one year.

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